Take unstructured evidence data, residing on secondary media, stored in your warehouses, deteriorating, and running the risk of getting destroyed in a natural disaster; and archive that to the preferred storage solution. By using Data-Central (DC), not only is the archiving process simplified, but many other features are automatically performed as options to the preferred workflow.
Examples include but are not limited to:
Allows the user at any point and time to monitor multiple servers, vendors, and locations giving you instant access to the current status of the migration
Support for DVD/CDs, VHS tapes, Thumb drives, LTO tapes, server/storage farms
Take unstructured data and turn it into a secure, hashed, verifiable structured asset
Forensic cell phone / HDD snapshots complex folder structures are maintained
All of the files / folders along with the metadata and complete DB are sent to an AES-256 encrypted Case-Pak for management as single files
Data-Central automatically converts 100's of formats of proprietary video files to a standard .mp4 file while maintaining an original "first instance" evidentiary copy
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